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Our family services program supports our families from early childhood through adulthood. The economic advancement initiative addresses our families’ desire to learn and gain new skill sets that translate to better jobs and higher salaries. Our community engagement team creates events that aim to promote community-wide participation and provide opportunities for community service and leadership.



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What We Do

Award Recipient

NAMI - Sonoma County
Award Recipient

North Bay Leadership Council Award Recipient


Our La Luz Family is a group of passionate and dedicated Staff and Board members. Coming from diverse backgrounds we embrace each other, as well as our own uniqueness. We enjoy working together to build a strong community, where everyone has a voice.

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Who We Are

"Impact100 Sonoma announces $335k in nonprofit grants" (From Melania Mahoney, Sonoma Valley Sun - May 11, 2022)

"Impact100 Sonoma, the philanthropic collective that pools its funds to support Valley nonprofits, disbursed $335,000 in grants for 2022 — its highest total ever.”


"New La Luz Director is Ready to Serve" (From Jason Walsh, Sonoma Index Tribune- August 10, 2021)

"Leonardo Lobato left the corporate world long ago, but he’s bringing the problem-solving skills he picked up in company boardrooms to serve Sonoma Valley families as the new executive director of La Luz Center.” 


"Education outreach: Sonia Mendoza" (From Faith Gates, Sonoma Index Tribune- May 17, 2021

"'Sonia Mendoza did not let a global pandemic or national shutdown stop her from helping kids in the community get the educational resources they need..Mendoza worked both in-person and online, connecting with parents and children through the El Verano Elementary School Family Resource Center, Facebook Live events for parents, and adapting to working through Zoom for her AVANCE families.”...

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