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COVID-19 Information

Food services

St. Leo's Church

Walk-in/Curbside Pick Up

601 West Agua Caliente Road, Sonoma

Phone: 707-996-8422, Call between 9 am-11am and pick up at 11:30 am - 12:30 pm 

Sonoma Overnight Support

Food Pickup (Prepared meals to go)

Sonoma Springs Community Hall

18627 Sonoma Hwy, Sonoma

Monday - Friday 9am-1pm

Friends in Sonoma Helping (FISH) 

Curbside Pick Up

18330 Sonoma Hwy, Sonoma

Phone: 707-996-0111, Call between 9 am-12 am and pick up at 1:30 am - 3:00 pm

Service lines

La Luz Center

At this time, please call and leave a message at La Luz Center with your information at  



If you need help finding food, paying bills, or other essential services, call 2-1-1 and someone can help you.

Disaster Distress Helpline


To speak to trained counselors

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Questions or concerns call: 800-232-4636

YWCA Hotline


24/7 hotline

North Bay Suicide Prevention Hotline of Sonoma County


National Domestic Violence Hotline


Child Protection Hotline

707-565-4304 or 800-870-7064

Sonoma County Crisis Stabilization Unit

707-576-8181 (for psychiatric emergencies)

Unemployment information

Contact Unemployment Insurance


When you submit your request you will be asked to provide the following information:

  1. Last employer information including company name, supervisor’s name, address (mailing and physical location) and phone number

  2. Last date worked and the reason you are no longer working

  3. Gross earnings in the last week you worked, beginning with Sunday and ending with your last day of work

  4. Information on all employers you worked for during the past 18 months, including name, address (mailing and physical location), the dates of employment, gross wages earned, hours worked per week, hourly rate of pay, and the reason you are no longer working.

  5. Notice to Federal Employees About Unemployment Insurance, Standard Form 8 (former federal employees only)

  6. Citizenship status, and, if you are not a U.S. citizen, information from your employment authorization document

Immigration Services

Human Services Department:

Most Human Services offices are temporarily closed, we will continue to provide essential services, including emergency child welfare services, adult protective services, IHSS, CalWORKs, Medi-Cal, CalFresh and General Assistance. For information call (707) 565-5800.

The Employment Rights of the Undocumented Worker:

IIBA - Bay Area Immigration Institute:

IIBA staff will continue to be available via telecommunication for inquiries and appointments. Please call 707-932-7000 to schedule an individual consultation

Rent Assistance

At this time, please call and leave a message at La Luz Center with your information at  707-938-5131.

Call 2-1-1 to obtain more information of resources in your area.

Rental Assistant search engine (find an organization in your area):


For families and kids

Khan Academy

Como organización sin fines de lucro enfocada en misiones, el deber que tenemos en Khan Academy es hacer nuestra parte para asegurarnos que los estudiantes continúen aprendiendo durante el cierre de las escuelas. También queremos apoyar a profesores y padres en la medida de nuestras posibilidades, mientras juntos navegamos por esta crisis.


Of interest to families: Premium app content for free to help children continue learning from home.


10 museums to visit while at home: virtual tour and online collections.

1. Pinacoteca di Brera - Milano

2. Galleria degli Uffizi - Firenze

3. Musei Vaticani - Roma

4. Museo Archeologico - Atene

5. Prado - Madrid

6. Louvre - Parigi

7. British Museum - Londra

8. Metropolitan Museum - New York

9. Hermitage - Saint Pietroburg

10. National Gallery of art - Washington


Sonoma Valley Community Health Center

We are now providing telephone mental health services. If you want to speak to someone, please call our main number (707)939-6070 and we will connect you with one of our employees.


SVCHC, as well as Sonoma Valley Hospital (SVH), will remain open during the shelter in good health. Call SVCHC at (707)939-6070 or SVH at (707)935-5000 for assistance or advice regarding your health concerns or questions.


Medical hours: 9 a.m. at 12 p.m. (normal hours)

An ambassador will meet you at the door. If you have certain symptoms, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, or have traveled abroad, the ambassador will provide you with a mask and take your temperature. The ambassador can ask for your cell phone number and have you wait in your car. A nurse will call for additional information and further instructions.


For appointments scheduled for fever, cough, or shortness of breath, an SVCHC staff member can call you on the day of your appointment for information and further instructions. We ask that if you are in the waiting room, that you maintain a six (6) foot gap from others in the area.


Sonoma Valley Hospital

If you are feeling ill and experiencing symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath, and you are concerned, you may have COVID-19, call the Sonoma Valley Hospital screening line at: 707.935.5440 (24/7)

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